Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Communication and Professional Skills

Unit 5 Communication and professional skills within child care and education D1/ D2 Select four aspects of professional practice and give reasons why each chosen aspect is essential and who this may affect. There are many aspects of professional practice, these aspects are very important to be followed. Working in partnership with health care and other professionals: working closely with the other professionals in the setting is important for the safety of the children. Communicating about the needs of the children will help us to help the children with their development and help us to keep track of their development’s stage. Also working as a team being consistent about the decisions made will give the children a good role model and routine, otherwise children can get very confuses and lost. Respecting confidentiality policy is very important to keep children safe, passing information to the right person, keeping information safe/locked, using it only when necessary, and aiming to help the child. Information misused can cause a great trouble to the child and the adult; therefore, we practitioners need to make sure all information are kept safe and confidential. Attitudes to work is about being a good role model, it is a big part of educating children, we must always remember that, children will repeat everything that we do or say. As adults and practitioners it is important to be a good role model, children also learn copying us, learn to talk, to posture their selves, to dress up, to eat, to express their selves. Being a good role model is about dressing up appropriately for the job, having a good posture, speaking clear (not swearing, not shouting), respecting the children and the team we work with. Good time keeping and attendance is very important for the smooth running in the setting, also to keep children’s routine and follow the plans for activities. To be on time, it is important to make sure you live home with time enough to be at work on time, if necessary live five minutes earlier. It is better to be earlier than later. D3 – Include examples of how you are developing the knowledge or skills that will improve each selected aspect of professional practice During lunch time children are very likely to hurt their selves, knowing who the first-aider person are and where they are is very useful and helpful, because whenever there is a child with problem I can go straight to them and help the child. I have being learning to observe the children and to communicate with health carers and other professionals, how to posture myself and how to respond to children’s misbehave. There are some children with learning difficulties in my classroom, and to protect them the school has a system, which separates the children by table colours and we know that, there is an specific colour for that special needs table and it is done this way to protect the children from being bullied by other children or abused in any way. It is a way of keeping information about them confidential, while acknowledging their needs. So I have learned different ways of dealing with information and still keeping it confidential. I have being learning how to posture myself around the children and how to respond to them when they misbehave. At this stage I have learned how to listen to them, the importance of PIN No: 10/681015 them listening to me, the use of appropriate language, to look at after my posture when I talk to them. They look at me and they may want to be like me, for that reason it is important that I am a good role model for them, having a good attitude to work. During my work placement I have learned to be a good time keeper, I have improved my time, waking up earlier, going to bed as earlier as possible to get a good rest, to prepare my lunch the night before, to organise what I am earing the night before. Children do notice when we are late and it can affect them, as the other professionals in the setting. There are always ways of making sure we are on time. D4 – Include examples of your effective communication with children and with parents I have helped a child to do her maths exercise, she didn’t want to do it, so I told her that her parents would not be very happy if she didn’t do her work and that she would want to see them happy. She thought for a moment and finished her exercise in two minutes. When communicating with parents I know that I must be respectful, sensitive to their feelings, because some parents may be more difficult to deal with and it is difficult for them to hear that their children is not doing as good as the other children or have some learning difficulties or are special needs children. In the nursery before there was an 18 months little girl, she was really good, helpful, smart, friendly; she was always playing nicely with the other children and smiling. One day on the way out I’ve met her mum and told her that her child was really good and that she was very kind, smart, and helpful. I told her about her development and how good she was; her mum was very happy and was very thankful to me and proud of her daughter. When I communicate with children I get down to their level, look at them in the eyes, listen to them carefully, speak slowly and clear, give them the chance to talk and I am very patient with them. D5 – Provide evidence to show how you maintain confidentiality in work with children and parents The way we maintain confidentiality in the present setting, where I work at the moment, is following the school’s policies and procedures. All the confidential information about the children/ families are kept/ locked in the main office and only authorised persons can have access to it and only if necessary, to help the children. If there is a need to talk to the family or another professional about a child’s problem, it is crucial that the persons involved go to a private room, where they can speak privately, keeping the conversation confidential. All observations that are written about the children must be kept safe/ locked and only shared with parents/ families, supervisors, or health care professionals (if needed). To protect the children, I shall always refer to my supervisor and ask how to proceed if there is any sign of abuse or if I notice any unusual behave about the children. D6 – Provide evidence of ways that you are preparing for employment and finding information about professional development The way I am preparing for employment is developing my skills in child care through out the course, learning and developing my knowledge, also acquiring experience at the work placement. I am working on my Curriculum Vitae, making it presentable, and putting all the information about my experience. I am looking on the internet to find out about agencies and job offers, to find out about settings, salary rate, opportunities. I am doing researches about the settings, the history of the setting, how they work, if it is registered with offstead, to make sure I will be working within a good practice. I am also looking at news papers and magazines. We had an employment agency, specialised in child care, which came to the college to talk to us about the opportunities and offered us to register with them and they will help us to find a job in child care, I will be registering myself with this agency, as they seem to be really good and have good job offers. To increase my career opportunities I am intending to continue my studies in child care, I am looking into studying level 3 in child care, because I know it will help me to enhance my opportunities. D7 – Show an understanding of diversity and inclusive practice An inclusive approach to work with children means that you are able to meet and understand the needs of each child. Every child needs some individual time and attention, and no child should become a favourite within the setting. An inclusive approach involves thinking about the way in which each child feels valued and has a feeling of belonging. You will need to make sure that your interactions with every child are positive and that you consciously think about each child to make sure that they are not left out. † (Cache level 2, Child care and education, Tassoni. P, page 216). When working in partnership with health care and other professionals, to respect diversity and follow inclusive practice it is very important to respect the child and the family’s background; it is very important to be fair and non judgemental and to keep information confidential. If a child has any kind of illness, special needs, suffering any kind of abuse, to protect the child this information must be shared only with the people involved to help the child and nobody else, it is also important to treat the child as much as normal as possible, so the child will not feel left out. In the case of having problematic parents/ families, we need to be very discreet and if needed talk to the parents/families, making sure we go to a private place, where the conversation can be private. It is very important to follow the policies and procedures equally with all children and parents/ families to make sure they feel treated the same and hopefully be able to help them. It is very important to make sure that children with disabilities or learning difficulties are involved in the activities, providing suitable resources for their needs and treating them as equally as possible to the other children. It is important to make sure that settings will provide diverse equipment, materials, to reflect all religions, cultures and backgrounds, to make all children and family feel comfortable when coming to the settings. Another way to show good practice is being a good role model, treating all the other professionals with respect and equally; treating children and families all the same, despite their background, religion, culture, wealth or health. To be a good role model we should not discriminate anyone, children will copy us and hopefully learn to not discriminate anyone. C1- Explain how your developing knowledge or skills in each selected aspect will improve your professional practice I have being learning throughout this course the importance of working in partnership with health care, parents and other professionals. Developing this knowledge helps me to improve my professional practice in communicating well with children, parents and staff, building a good relationship with them based on respect within the setting and professionalism. Having acquired the knowledge about confidentiality, I now understand how to maintain confidentiality and why it is important. I have learned about my setting’s confidentiality policy and I observe the other staff, so I know what to do and I am improving myself more and more. Respecting the policies and following the procedures of the setting make me aware of my responsibilities for protecting children, parents and other team members, improving in this way my professional practice. Learning about been a good role model helps me to be a positive role model around the children, because they will learn from the things I say and do. When they see me being polite, they may want to behave the same way, so this way I will be helping them to learn about manners and being good. Time keeping is very important in every moment of our lives, but when working with children it is essential to be a good time keeper, this way the children’s routine won’t be disturbed. Been on time is also related to be a good role model. B1 – Explain why the examples of communication with children and parents were effective – When I started to do an exercise with the child I wasn’t sure of what to do and I was getting very frustrated because she wouldn’t do it. When I had the idea of talking about her parents been proud of her it made her do the exercises very quick and for that reason I believe my communication was very effective and gave me a result, which was to get the child to do her work. In this case my communication was very effective because I’ve managed to get the child to do her work. I believe that the child’s mother was very pleased to hear how well her child was doing and she felt very positive about her child’s development and also felt that she could count on us at the nursery to share information about her child’s development. For that reason I am confident about the effectiveness of my communication with this mother. In this case It was very ef fective, because I communicated to the child’s mother, giving her information and making her aware of her child’s development. B2 – Explain the importance of maintaining confidentiality when working with children and parents It is very important to maintain confidentiality to protect children and keep them safe and their families. As a practitioner I have the responsibility to keep the information safe/ confidential, it is important to build a trustworthy relationship with the family, it shows that I am respecting the policies and procedures of the setting. It is also important to maintain the rights of the children and the family. Disclosure of confidential information can cause lots of distress to the child, family, myself and other team worker. Confidentiality is important because in the setting we may have access to some personal information related to families, which if disclosed may put the child in danger, causing harm or cause distress to the family. A – Explain the reasons for preparing for employment and for finding information about professional development The way I am preparing for employment is making sure that I am learning as much as I can throughout my course and looking into further development, as in going to level 3 in child care. I am working on my CV, to make it presentable and to give the right information to the employers. I am researching the internet to find out what employers are looking for, to make sure I will have the right answer when going for an interview. It is important to prepare myself, because on this way I will have the right tools to go for an interview and a better chance to get a good/ suitable job. It is important to keep myself informed about new policies or any changes that may happen within the early years foundation guide to make sure I am not staying behind as a professional as it may also affect the children and the setting, where I am working. I want to do level 3 in child care, so it will help me to further develop my skills about child care, giving me the ability to better help children with their development and give my best to them as a professional and also to enhance my job opportunities. Once I am employed I intend to look into other courses as first aid, children’s safeguard, health and safety, aiming to improve and get confidence to deal with any unexpected situation. â€Å"Professional development is the process by which a person maintains the quality and relevance of professional services throughout his/her working life. It has been defined by the Institute for Continuing Professional Development as: ‘The systematic maintenance, improvement and broadening of knowledge and the development of personal qualities necessary for the education of professional and technical duties throughout the practitioner's working life. ‘ It follows that we have an ethical responsibility as professiona to continue our professional development throughout our careers. Professional development is not a product, devised by training providers and academic institutions. It is a mindset, a habit to acquire. Professional development requires self-directed, independent learning. It also demands an active rather than passive approach to learning. It differs from other forms of learning because it requires us to decide that needs to be learned or un-learned, how to learn it, and how to test and assess our learning. † (http://www. materials. ac. uk/guides/developing. asp) A* – Reflect on why it is important to review your communication and professional skills. In my opinion it is important to be a reflective practitioner to be able to offer a good care for children, keeping them safe, giving them suitable resources for their development on this way improving education. A good way to follow this route is to continuously review and evaluate my skills, improving my knowledge, reading, studying, and learning about new challenges and ways of helping children’s development. Reviewing the way I communicate is important to make sure I am giving the right message and listening to others clearly, because if I don’t communicate properly it may cause lots of distress. Consulting other professionals, sharing experience will help us all to improve the quality of the setting and the way children are learning and also help us to improve ourselves. It is important to review my actions, when good, how I made it good and what were the results; if bad, what did I do wrong, how can I improve, always aiming to further develop my skills to benefit children. I am aware of the aspects that I need to improve and I must keep studying to improve this aspects as English and maths and I will further develop this skills to be able to better help children. When setting targets and plans it is important to be realistic about my capacities and knowledge, otherwise I may end up not doing my work properly and getting frustrated, which can seriously affect my work, children and other professionals. Unit 2 Relate to D1/D2 and D3 *Equality and diversity †¢ All children have a need to develop, which is helped by exploring and discovering the people and things around them. †¢ Some children's development may be at risk, for example: o children who are disabled and those with special educational needs o those from socially excluded families, such as the homeless or those who live with a parent who is disabled or has a mental illness o Children from traveler communities, refugees or asylum seekers and those from diverse linguistic backgrounds. All children are entitled to enjoy a full life in conditions which will help them take part in society and develop as an individual, with their own cultural and spiritual beliefs. †¢ Practitioners ensure that their own knowledge about different cultural groups is up-to-date and consider their own attitudes to people who are different from themselves. †¢ All children have an equal right to be listened to and valued in the sett ing. Diversity is the difference between cultures, religion, and background. It is important to look at it in a positive way to help children to understand equality, to avoid discrimination and to allow every child’s development. It is very important that every setting provides a non stereotypical, anti-bias environment, with equipments, material, books, dressing up clothes, food, posters, all from different religions, culture, and color and positively promote diversity. Where, every child can see a bit of their selves, culture and feel welcomed and not discriminated. PIN No: 10/681015 Centre No: 383. 000 Unit 5 Communication and professional skills within child care and education D8 – References and Bibliography Bibliography: Child care and Education Tassoni Penny Heinamman, 2007 Harlow Website: http://www. nidos. org. uk/downloads/Confidentialitypolicy. pdf http://www. materials. ac. uk/guides/developing. asp [pic]

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


1. 0 Introduction I choose Genting Berhad as the organization for the Strategic Management report. I worked in Awana Genting Highlands almost one year before I worked in government sector. Awana Genting Highlands is one of the six hotels under the Genting Berhad. Genting Berhad is a management company and investment holding of Genting Group. It was founded by the late Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong in 1965 when he want to make a 20 km access road across mountainous which was located about 2000-metres above level sea. Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay is now the Chairman and Chief Executive of Genting Berhad.Genting Berhad is a Malaysian company with interests in a variety of fields. The group comprises of more than 15,000 employees, 11,000 acres of resort land and 156,000 acres of choice plantation land throughout Malaysia. The company is principally an investment holding and management company with seven major business divisions, such as leisure & hospitality, plantations, property, power, paper, and oil & gas. The leisure & hospitality division is represented by numerous holiday brand names. This division operates in a variety of areas, and includes the operation of over 30 food and beverage outlets.They are variety of accommodation where there have six hotels, theme park and attraction, international shows, gaming experience, leisure cruising and meetings and conventions. Their vision is ‘to be leading leisure, hospitality and entertainment corporation in the world', (Annual Report 2008). Oil palm cultivation is the main activity of the Plantation Division. The division is made up of 41,000 hectares of plantation land. The Genting Groups involvement in the property development sector enables it to realize its strategy of holding land-based assets for long-term capital appreciation and development potential.In 1971, the shares of Genting Berhad were listed on the main board of Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE). In November 2007, Genting Berhad became one of the biggest liste d companies in Malaysia with a market capitalization of RM29. 2 billion (US$8. 74 billion). 2. 0 Group Corporate Structure The Board has their own responsibilities for the proper conduct in the business. The Board meeting is usually on a quarterly basis. They have formal schedule specifically reserved for its decisions like annual operating plan, major capital projects, overall strategic direction, inancial performance and monitoring of the Group's operating. Formal Board Committees established by the Board with the Code namely the Audit Committee, Nomination Committee, Remuneration Committee that assist the Board in the discharge of its duties. In addition, The Board is responsible for the Group's system of internal control and risk management. This is important to review their integrity and adequacy. Moreover, it is for the purposes of safeguarding the Group's assets and shareholder's investment.According to Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995), ‘leadership is distributed in the organ ization that supports the flow of knowledge from the middle to the top and down to the rest of the organization'. The Group also put in place a risk management process in order to help the Board recognizing and evaluating the managing risks. The Audit Committee has appropriate relationships with the external auditor. External auditors attended all Audit Committee meetings in order to audit their plan or report and comments on the audited financial statements. The Committee were responsible approved the internal audit for the Group and the company.They also need to authorize resources to identify any risks areas. They also need reviewed the internal and external plan for the Group and the company with the external editors. The Board reviewed the performance of the Committee every three years to determine whether they have carried out their duties. In terms of meeting, the Committees meet at least four times a year. The Secretary of the Committee prepared and sent all minutes of each meeting to the Committee members. Read more: http://www. ukessays. com/essays/business-strategy/strategic-management-report. php#ixzz2R4aHL6sb

Monday, July 29, 2019

An Evolution Of The Atomic Theory

An Evolution Of The Atomic Theory The atomic theory has advanced since the discovery of radioactivity in 1898. And so much of modern technology is based on these advancements. They couldn’t have happened without the discovery of electrons (e-), protons (p+), and neutrons (n0) through experiments done by four key scientists. Atomic theory starts to develop in 1897 when J. J. Thomson discovered the e- through his cathode ray experiment. In this experiment (figure one) he had a partially evacuated tube (a) with a cathode (b) and an anode (c) attached at each end. The cathode and anode were hooked up to a power source with the cathode being negative and the anode being positive. An electrical shock was sent through the cathode and it emitted negative cathode rays that traveled in a straight line (d). But when a positive magnet (e) was placed next to the rays, the rays deflected toward the positive magnet (f), proving they are negative because opposites attract. Another important discovery in atomic theory is protons. In 1910 at the University of Chicago a scientist named Rutherford was puzzled over the structure of the nuclear atom. J.J. Thomson had suggested a â€Å"plum pudding model† (Figure 2) of the nuclear atom where the atom is a ball of positive charge with e- stuck in it, but Rutherford wanted to put this theory to the test, so he conducted the gold foil experiment (Figure 3). There was a round florescent screen set up with a radioactive source at the entrance. From the radioactive source Rutherford fired ÃŽ ±- partials at thin gold foil. He expected them to all go through with minor deflections but this wasn’t the case. (Figure 4) He observed some particles moving off course from the straight line he assumed them travel, and some particles being bounced back altogether. From this observation came the conclusion that when a particle comes extremely close to where all the positive charge is located, it will move off co urse and when it hits this core it will deflect back. Rutherford called the core he found the nucleus which also makes up most of the mass of an atom and consists of protons. He found (figure 5) that the nucleus is surrounded by positive charge and has e- particles stuck in it. In 1911 Millikan was back on the job of electrons. Thomson had proven what the mass/charge of a e- was, he wanted to determine what the actual charge on each particle was. To do this he created the oil droplet experiment (Figure 6). Oil drops were sprayed into a chamber will a very tiny hole at the bottom. When an oil drop passed through the hole it was observed through a microscope and zapped with an x-ray that removed all air particles from it. The positive charge given through the plate above the particles was manipulated and monitored so the scientist could see how much positive charge it took to balance the negative charge underneath and the positive charge above and make the oil suspend in mid-air. From this they could determine the negative charge on an electron. Another thing that stumped Rutherford was why the atomic mass was larger than the combined mass of protons and electrons in a substance. He proposed that it was because of a neutral particle, but never did any experiments to prove this. In 1932 Chadwick took on the challenge and designed an experiment (Figure 7) where he fired ÃŽ ±- partials at a beryllium target. This then emitted particles that were allowed to fall onto paraffin wax, then releasing more particles, protons. From energy calculations he saw that the particles released from beryllium, as a result of the arrival of ÃŽ ±- partials on it, are uncharged and have essentially the same mass as protons, he called them neutrons. Without these important advances in atomic theory, it would be still assumed that the atom is the smallest particle of matter. Technology would be stuck in 1803 with John Dalton’s theory, and until a scientist came along with an experiment as brilliant as these, there would not be modern technology or a understanding of science as current as the one today.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Disaster Response Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Disaster Response Plan - Research Paper Example The generic term used for risk management techniques is the disaster control plan or DCP. Out of these early attempts to help lessen the adverse effects of a disaster led to forming of the so-called incident command system (ICS). This system was originally used by cities as a fire-management tool because it was found to be effective. This effectiveness was based on a proven organizational structure that used descriptive terminology that is both comprehensive and powerful but still easy to understand by most people (Woodworth, 2010, p. 1). However, the ICS was expanded and integrated into the national incident management system (NIMS). Although more comprehensive, the NIMS is still largely centered on operationalizing of ICS at the time a disaster strikes. The big purpose is to avoid chaos and confusion that can lead to more serious consequences during and after a disaster. Another key part of the NIMS is the emergency operations center (EOC) that takes care of details such as putting a logistics center, emergency medical services team (EMS) or the triage area (Hogan & Burstein, 2007, p. 147). The EOC will be tasked with activating the emergency operations plan (EOP). With today’s terrorist threats hanging over the horizon, the idea of the NIMS is to give local emergency personnel the training and knowledge to treat emerging or potential disasters an all-hazards context. The idea is to treat each disaster as a worst-case scenario so that local responding emergency personnel are not caught flat-footed when arriving at the scene. Taken in another perspective, it is better to be fully prepared for the worst than arrive unprepared for the sheer scale or magnitude of a disaster if one underestimates the scope of the disaster. Even a minor disaster at first glance should be treated as a potential major disaster if mishandled as things can easily escalate and maybe even get out of hand. The lead agency

Organisation behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Organisation behavior - Essay Example This is because an organization entails a gamut of emotions – from elation to distress, and frustration (Ashkanasy, 2003, 9-54). There is often pressure to meet deadlines leading to stress and frustration. Thus, it is only by handling such varied emotions that can help the employees in achieving their desired organizational goals, with ease. A happy mind and mood, can think better – leading to productive decision making and successful accomplishments of organizational objectives. There is a growing fascination and interest among researchers and managers alike, on the subject of Emotional Intelligence and the role it plays in enhancing job performance of employees in organizations. The claim can be substantiated with the wide amount of literature linking emotional intelligence and job performance (Barsade, Brief, Spataro, 2003) in organizational context. In the earlier times, the aspect of emotional intelligence was rarely mentioned in literature on organizational studie s (Martin, Knopoff, Beckman, 1998, 429) however, the scenario has changed drastically over the years, and "employee emotions" are now recognized and acknowledged as an integral and inseparable part of their performance, leading to valuable contributions in organizations (Ashkanasy, Zerbe and Hartel, 2005). Definitions: According to Wharam (2009, 11), Emotional Intelligence is: â€Å"The potential to be aware of and use one's own emotions in communication with oneself and others and to manage and motivate oneself and others through understanding emotions† According to According to Goleman (2006, 189) "Emotional Intelligence refers to the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and our relationships". According to Sparrow & Knight (2009, 29) emotional intelligence entails use of the following key elements: -ability to identify feelings; pay attention to others emotions; give importance to the way others feel about things; and consider ones' feelings in decision making. Analysis The development of literature focusing on the relevance and influence of emotional intelligence on job performance, has broadened the visions of managers regarding the skills and abilities which are perceived as necessary for particular job types. Emotional intelligence is a critical element, particularly in an organizational setting, since it can play an important role in various key tasks such as hiring (Murphy, 2006). It has been established through research that people with high emotional intelligence quotient fare better than those with a low EQ. This significant discovery has helped managers understand the reasons behind the failure of certain academically high achieving employees in jobs requiring inter-personal skills. Emotional intelligence is known to improve the emotional and interpersonal skills of employees, which is required in managerial jobs (Lombardo, Ruderman, & McCauley, 1988, 199-216). On the basis of various studies conducted over the years, it has been established that employee performance is directly related to their emotions, i.e. positive or negative. Negative emotions such as anger, fear or distress were observed to have a negative impact on their performance and effectiveness on the job. Such negative feelings tend to distract the employees from their tasks at hand, resulting in unproductive work (Elfenbein

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Economic Opportunities Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Economic Opportunities Paper - Essay Example American labor is not sufficient to fill in all these job vacancies and migration of workers from Europe and Asia are encouraged. As such, labor and employment opportunities are open in almost all areas of US. . Many states needed immigrants to add up to their sparse population to spur up the economy. They need workers to mines, factories and fields. These states actively invited immigrants by offering jobs or land for farming. Labor Exchanges were created to promote migration, offering cheap lands for permanent homes and cultivation. In Oregon, for example, Governor L. F. Grover, on August 23, 1870 issued a statement of need for farming population, inviting migrants to own land for residence and for cultivation of variety of products.(Oregon State Archives) Some States, Kansas, for one, made migration part of their business in order to increase their population. They have hired agents in principal seaports in Europe and in New York to communicate with migrant workers. All kinds of assistance are given such as reduced transportation fare, start up supplies, guides and attention to immigrants so they will be able to adapt in their new environment. Kansas was able to increase its population of 107.110 in 1860 to 550,000 in 1870 through immigration. (Oregon State Archives) * Shipbuilding. A lot of workers are needed as ship builder since US is one of the largest shipbuilders supplying the needs of Great Britain. * Iron industry. Iron makers are needed in Pennsylvania wherein the industry made progress and iron exports are developing. Other opportunities are the disparities of income from the migrant’s home country as compared to US make a big difference and enough reason for workers to come. Young and adventurous immigrants have come to US, and upon arrival looked for work and settled in communities where they have relatives and

Friday, July 26, 2019

Should companies routinely google applicants or look at their facebook Assignment

Should companies routinely google applicants or look at their facebook page as part of reference check before hiring - Assignment Example In this regard, social networking sites can be used to establish job networks and forums that aim at enriching members with new opportunities. A background check describes the act by an employer to review both personal and public information in a bid to investigate a person’s history. Most employers’ reckon that about 40% of resumes contain false information, which necessitates the use of background checks to confirm resume claims. This is done as part of the hiring process, furthermore, in most cases requires the subject’s consent to proceed. In addition, it seeks to establish whether the job applicant’s character reveals plausible elements, which may be of benefit to the organization. In the wake technological advancements, employers have turned to the global village as a tool for performing background checks. This entails the use of social networking sites in search of information, which sheds light on their potential employees. It is, therefore, crucial to assess and analyze the pros and cons of googling or checking the facebook pages as part of reference before hiring. This paper seeks to demonstrate the effects of using social sites to perform such background checks. The rise of social media sites has seen potential employers tear through the sites in search of information on their potential employees. According to a survey conducted by CareerBuilder, nearly half of employers who participated indicated they use social sites to research on potential hires (Innovative Employee Solutions, n.d). This raises the question of ethics and whether the information obtained is applicable in the hiring process. The act of accessing social sites in the sense of performing a background check is seen as a violation of privacy, which contrary set regulations concerning such checks. It is regarded unethical behavior to violate a person’s privacy

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Theory of Clause Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Theory of Clause - Essay Example Usually, relative clause cannot stand alone as a sentence. In contrast to dependent clause, independent or main clause is a clause that can stand alone. Main clause is synonymous to a simple sentence. In essence, clause is the basic unit of meaning in the English language (Stuart-Smith, 2003). Either dependent or independent, a clause conveys a message. This paper, on the other hand, examines the relative clause as a basic unit of a language in relation to functional grammar, especially in the ideational metafunction level. Here, the use of the word clause will refer to dependent clause. The usage of a clause in the different world languages differs greatly. There are three identified dimensions of these differences: (1) position of the clause with respect to the head noun or the noun being modified; (2) how a clause is marked; (3) the absence or presence of a pronominal reflex (Celce-Murcia & Larsen-Freeman, 1999, p.573). In the English language, a clause follows the head noun. For instance, in the sentence, "San Antonio is a city that has experienced very rapid growth," the head-noun San Antonio precedes the italicized clause. To place the clause before the head noun in a sentence sounds, if not ungrammatical, awkward. Farsi and Arabic languages share similar syntactic pattern in the clause usage compared to most European languages. However, Japanese and Korean languages do not adhere to the first dimension of the above-mentioned clause usage (Celce-Murcia & Larsen-Freeman, 1999, p.573). In the second dimension, the English language employs a relative pronoun (e.g., who) or demonstrative pronoun (e.g., that) to mark that what follows is a clause (Celce-Murcia & Larsen-Freeman, 1999, p.573). For example, "I read the journal that you recommended." Or, "I love the girl who appreciates poetry." The lines before the demonstrative and relative pronouns are independent clauses that can stand as a sentence. The application of the pronouns that and who merely modify the head nouns. Besides English, Persian and Chinese languages use other forms of markers placed between the head noun and the clause. The presence or absence of the pronominal reflex is the third dimension along which languages differ in the clause usage (Celce-Murcia & Larsen-Freeman, 1999, p.573). In the sentence, "Art called out to the girl that he knew," the "that" replaces "the girl" in the embedded sentence, "he knew the girl." Ideational Metafunction Ideational metafunction is one of the three fundamental functional components of a language. Ideational metafunction is primarily concerned with the function that "language has of being about something" (Halliday & Hasan, 1976). In the past, a theory of the fundamental functions of language have been developed, in which lexicogrammar can be subdivided into 3 broad metafunctions, namely: interpersonal, ideational and textual. Each of these 3 deals with a different aspect of the world, and they are concerned with various modes of clause meanings. "The ideational metafunction is about the natural world in the broadest sense, including our own consciousness, and is concerned with clauses as representations. The interpersonal metafunction is about the social world, especially the relationship between speaker and hearer, and is concerned

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Opportunity and Inequality in the United States Term Paper

Opportunity and Inequality in the United States - Term Paper Example The very human being used these factors to be markers of superiority or inferiority. Based on these stereotypes, avenues were instituted to propagate and enable these stereotypes. As such, the best schools belonged to a given race or sex, the best jobs began to be occupied by a specific social class or race or sex, specific social places got reserved for specific people etc. In effect, inequality had been instituted by such practices. Those propagating the inequality and the victims of the inequality believed in the practice, with the former group feeling elated as the latter embraced great resentment against the former. The practice continued for centuries until the very human beings that had started it started to see the evil in the practice and as such started to fight it. They are fighting to abolish classification is society along economic, racial, gender and ethnic grounds (Gilbert, 2002). Policies have since been put in place to equalize people, movements have voiced their res entments against he practice and the results The practice has receded to "under the carpet". If you though inequality is dead, you have to think again. This paper seeks to highlight the practice of inequality in the United States by looking at the equal opportunities in the same land. The paper will start by looking at the equal opportunities in the US before it finally highlights the forms of inequalities witnessed in the US. Factors Fuelling Inequality in the US As mentioned in the introduction, a number of factors have been in use to propagate the practice of inequality in the US. These factors have often been both physical and the supposed genetic attributes. Both have hitherto been used to assign all the statuses in the society which would atheism been assigned on equal terms. Race is one such factor. Racial inequality has been and still is rampant in the US. The worst of it is the manifestation in which a white individual is 90% not likely to be a suspect in a crime scene as opposed to a black individual or anyone form the Middle East who will almost be 100% criminal suspects. Ethnicity, besides gender has been the strongest instigator of inequality. Aboriginal or not, foreigner or citizen etc just demonstrates the use of ethnic inequality which is seen in the allocations of resources, positions and status in the society. Gender is yet another factor in which hitherto women have been relegated until recently when they moved their asserti veness to an all time high level. Women fought so hard to assert their position in the society and as they did this they were labeled feminists. In as much as there could be feminists, the underlying factor is that there is inequality at whatever level conceivable in the society. Other factors include wholeness of body and mind in which the physically and/or mentally challenged individuals have unequal allocation of resources, position or even statuses. Generally, inequality is never a facade nor is it a mirage; it is a reality and the US citizens are consciously or otherwise basking in this very reality of inequality

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Answer question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Answer question - Essay Example Nonetheless, the relationship between Rose and Saba concerning a graphic design desktop computer worth 1,500 did not constitute a valid contract. Despite the seller’s â€Å"offer† of the item for sale, MacIntyre (2013) would argue that Rose’s response did not meet the â€Å"acceptance† test. Her counter-offer of 1,000 for the same item was not readily accepted by the seller, thus stripping the agreement of any validity. This case is almost similar to Hyde v Wrench (1840) 49 ER 132 in which the respondent offered a piece of land valued at  £1,000 for sale (Elliott, & Quinn, 2014). The plaintiff gave a counter offer of  £950 which the seller refused. The plaintiff then communicated his acceptance of the initial offer of  £1,000, but the seller refused to sell the property to him, prompting the litigation for performance. The court is likely to follow the precedent set in Hyde where a counter-offer invalidated the contract and stripped the claimant of the rights to specific performance. The status of contract between Rose and TW depends on whether each party acted reasonably to see its creation. Whereas the two weeks that Rose took to communicate her acceptance of the TW offer was reasonable, it may have been the cause of the subsequent delay, leading TW to revoke the contract. The main legal issue in this case is whether TW made a valid revocation of the offer. The validity of a revocation of an offer principally lies in its communication to the offeree. Rose has grounds against the validity of TW’s letter of revocation. Rose’s claims are backed by the ruling in Byrne & Co v Leon Van Tien Hoven & Co [1880] 5 CPD 344 where the court imposed a ban on revocation of an offer by the postal rule, but allowed acceptance under similar circumstances. As Justice Lindley held in the case, TW would only be deemed as having validly revoked the offer through a direct communication

Sample Company’s Challenge Essay Example for Free

Sample Company’s Challenge Essay Sample Company has offices in Sacramento, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas and is currently working on a IPv4 infrastructure which poses a problem with future business operations. By the end of 2011, there will be no more IPv4 addresses. New customers and Internet traffic will be using the next-generation protocol: IPv6. The accelerating growth of the Internet presents powerful opportunities to transform the way we work, live, play, and learn. † (The Internet is in Transition, 2011). Do you want to be on the cutting edge of Internet possibilities or still working on the old IPv4 platform? ABC, Inc. s Solution: To successfully convert your company from an IPv4 to IPv6 platform. This business proposal will explain the advantages of a TCP/IP IPv6 infrastructure and how it will help to improve business operations. Now is the time to plan for this critical transition! Below, I will explain the numerous advantages of IPv6 over IPv4. In analyzing your company’s size and sales figures, I have noticed that there are 3,586 companies in the USA within your same industry and you operate smaller than average in annual business sales, number of employees, and revenue per employee but rank average for the amount of years in business. So you ask, why bother transitioning to IPv6 when we are a much smaller business than the average business in this industry? Do we really need to? The answer is yes and the reasons why are explained below. IPv6 Provides More Addresses: Most industries rely on the Internet and have seen significant gains in production and operations from this technology. Suppliers, customers, vendors, etc. use the Internet for orders, supply tracking, etc. The internet now plays a crucial role in most companies operations. While IPv4 has worked well for us for many years, the problem now lies in space exhaustion. It is estimated that IPv4 can only address 4 billion IP addresses. IPv4 is the protocol that provides these IP addresses which are like phone numbers or a home address that describes the physical location of the node or computer so that they may communicate with the Internet. The advantage of IPv6 is that it will use 128 bit addresses instead of the 32 bit addresses that IPv4 currently uses which caps us at the roughly 4 billion maximum addresses available. This means, there will virtually be enough addresses on IPv6 to address almost every device the particular network is utilizing. Therefore, when IPv6 increases the size and range of devices connected to the Internet, the benefit of the network effect will increase as well. â€Å"To provide equal opportunities worldwide, the Internet architecture must cope with rapid growth in consumer interest and usage. The forecast for growth leads to a new perspective on the demand for IP address space. Even without taking into consideration expected address allocation inefficiencies, IPv4’s 32-bit address space is inadequate to support a plethora of connected devices owned by one-third of Earth’s population. (Grossetete, Popoviciu, Wettling, 2008). IPv6 Security Advantages: Another advantage of IPv6 over IPv4 is security. IPv4 offers an optional IP security where IPv6 has it already built in. â€Å"IPv6 ensures that there are end-to-end security mechanisms that will provide authentication and encryption abilities to all applications and thereby eliminates the need for applications themselves to have integrated support for such abilities. The added benefit of using the same security mechanisms for all applications is that setting up and administering security policies becomes a lot simpler. IPv6 allows for complete end-to-end security thereby allowing for a new set of personalized services to be deployed such as mobile e-commerce services that rely on secure transactions. TCP/IP networks that are utilizing IPv4 are dealing with a host of issues encompassing security† (Das, K. 2011). In today’s Internet world, IPv4 platform security issues exist like connection hijacking, IP spoofing, and packet sniffing. There are not always solutions to these problems and if attempted solutions exist, they are usually at the Application level which creates a problem because they re not always operational between different applications or networks. While IPv6 is not a solution to all possible attacks and situations, it does address many lower level attacks which accounts for the majority of attacks on the average network. IPv6 and WANs: Your company has offices all over the nation which means you are utilizing a WAN or wide area network. IPv6 will work even better with WAN’s because â€Å"The expansion of the Internet is also tied to the rapid development and market penetration of enabling technologies such as high-speed broadband and wireless access. Many enterprises have shifted from point-to-point, ATM, and Frame Relay infrastructures to IP-based local- and wide-area networks (LAN and WAN) for basic business operations. Traditional voice carriers are migrating their voice network to IP-based transport to reduce or eliminate future capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operational expenditure (OPEX) related to redundant parallel network infrastructures. These IP-based technologies modify an application’s landscape by changing the use of the Internet from a client/server model to a more distributed model or peer-to-peer model. Very rapid and successful adoption of distributed applications such as Voice over Internet (VoIP), instant messaging, content sharing, and Internet gaming leads people with â€Å"always-on† and â€Å"always best† access to the Internet to be content producers as well as consumers. An expanded IP address space is necessary to support this paradigm change in the way the Internet is used† (Grossetete, Popoviciu, Wettling, 2008). IPV6 and VPN’s: Another advantage of IPv6 over IPv4 is the benefits it offers associated with VPN’s or virtual private networks. If you plan to implement a VPN or are currently running one, IPv6 will present new advantages. For example, in IPv6 it will be easier to implement a VPN because of the headers. IPv4 does not allow for multiple headers which creates a problem of compatibility within the firewalls of different vendors. IPv6 allows for multiple headers and eliminates this problem. Simply stated, this leads to faster routing. IPv6 and Networking: IPv6 creates a new platform that the Internet can operate on makes for the atmosphere of growth. One of the biggest advantages is the change from peer to peer networking to end to end networking. Peer to peer networking examples are VOiP, online video gaming, online video-conferencing etc. End to end networking allows for a group of computers to talk to each other without the need for process through a server first. That is a huge advantage! IPv6 and Better Node Configurations: Next, IPv6 trumps IPv4 because of node configurations. Every piece of equipment attached to a network must be configured properly and now it will be easier than ever with IPv6. This is because IPv6 offers automatic configuration versus the stateful configuration needed for IPv4. What does this mean you ask? It means that, â€Å"In stateless auto configuration, a host can automatically configure its own IPv6 address and does not need any assistance from a stateful address server. Entire IPv6 prefixes rather than just an address are delivered to a device. This particular feature enables routers to easily auto configure their interfaces and can be used very effectively in broadband access networks to dynamically provide customer gateways† (www. IPv6. com, 2011). IPv6 and the ease of administration: Another great advantage of IPv6 over IPv4 is the ease of administration. In IPV4, any new addressing must be done manually whenever there is a change to the network. With IPv6, you can now have numbering done automatically which makes for easier transitions in network changes of any sort. As you can see, the advantages of IPv6 over IPv4 are numerous. While there is much skepticism on how the transition with be costly and burdensome, it has actually been implemented already in various parts of the world. The earlier you start, the better off you will be should there be any kinds to iron out. This has to be a thoroughly planned event and takes time to changeover. IPv6 creates a new world of internet functionality and growth. Your business can flourish with the advantages of IPv6. As with any new technology, the price is typically higher in the beginning but the long run, you save money because your company is more efficient thus more profitable! â€Å"The improvement in network reliability would build the confidence of both enterprise and individual users in the integrity of network transactions. That would certainly yield high returns. † (IPv6: Its time, 2003).

Monday, July 22, 2019

Cosmetic Surgery Essay Example for Free

Cosmetic Surgery Essay Introduction The development of plastic surgery in recent years has opened larger opportunities for health care professionals to offer a wide range of services to its customers, while the growing popularity and high demand on the services of plastic surgeons stimulated the rapid development of this field of medicine worldwide. according to Thompson (2011). In fact, he continued nowadays, plastic surgery becomes accessible to a larger number of people and, instead of the elitist surgery available to only a limited number of people, plastic surgery become accessible to large number of patients. This means that cosmetic surgery becomes more popular and available for people in developing and developed countries to be able to have those kind of services for their desires. On the one hand, cosmetic surgery brings happiness to people who have the right cosmetic surgery. On the other hand, it also influences many negative results from those actions. Many people take the advantages from this to satisfy their demand but they are totally wrong decisions to do that. Negative results to teenagers Teenagers are not allowed to do cosmetic surgery as they are not growing up properly. There were 174,851 cosmetic surgeries done on teenagers that were 18 years old or younger in 2005 a study from Harvard University wrote about Teenagers with Cosmetic Surgery in 2010. This number shows that teenagers trend to get a beautiful body. Parents should pay more attention to their children and be their consultant for them before they have operation. The writer also claimed that: I believe that cosmetic surgery should not be the ultimate answer for teenagers. I agree with the critics of cosmetic surgery that say teenagers are not old enough to make such a mature decision and that there needs to be more guidelines that will help stop most of them from making a wrong decision.(Teens and Cosmetic Surgery). Health Risks People who have cosmetic surgery, may die if they go with wrong doctors or lack of information before their operations. According to Alpert (2006), People have risked and lost their lives and limbs, and suffered devastating disfigurement and scarring as a result of plastic surgery gone wrong. The worst outcomes are rare, but risk is nonetheless a reality. After the cosmetic surgery, patientss healths will be affected. Moreover they may have risks to get some disease of blood, heart attacks Psychology issues How do you feel if your friends or neighbors keep gossip about your comestic surgery? And what do you think if your boyfriend or girlfriend get jealous or upset with the attraction from you to people? John, an psychologist expert from University of Washington indicated that: Depression, increased stress, feelings of disappointment, shame, or embarrassment can become issues when a cosmetic procedure fails to resolve the issues that motivated the individual to have the procedure. It is important to understand that while cosmetic surgery can bring you some rewards, it will not change your life, your problem or your relationship. There is nothing called physical perfection. Unsatisfactory Results Based on the research from Stanford University in 2008, not every surgery is successful. The unsuccessful surgery is very subjective. Unsatisfactory results may leave pain or patients may think about the next cosmetic surgery operation. Conclusion In conclusion, cosmetic surgery leads to many problems in the future that could affect you physically and mentally. Let think very carefully and consider about the negative results you may have before you get the cosmetic surgery. In my opinion, a happy life can not come from the cosmetic surgery. People will respect you from your inner beauty. Be you are and be yourself. Let try to have a healthy life by improving yourself, learn how to treat people well, do exercises and enrich your knowledge about society and the world. For sure you will have a wonderful life then

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Electoral College An Outdated System Politics Essay

The Electoral College An Outdated System Politics Essay Every fourth calendar year the citizens of the United States participate in one of the greatest displays of Democracy in human history, the election of the President and Vice-President of the United States. However, it is not truly democracy. Instead, the democratic election of the President of the United States is tainted by the current use of the Electoral College. The Electoral College system of electing the President and Vice-President of the United States is an outdated system that needs to be replaced with a method that better represents the will of the American people. In the budding days of the United States of America, the Founding Fathers faced a difficult problem, the election process for the President of the United States. There were numerous factors that needed to be taken into account by the Founding Fathers as they debated the optimal election process. The largest factor taken into account by the Founding Fathers was that the nation was comprised of thirteen states which had only recently joined together to create a singular government and were jealously guarding their individual rights and powers, making them apprehensive to any centralized government ideas. The United States also contained four million citizens whom were separated by thousands of miles of land which was scarcely connected by either transportation or communication. Furthermore, the founders believed that political parties were destructive and counter-productive, an idea borrowed from the British (Kimberling 1). After considering these issues and proposing several options, the Founding Fathers developed the Electoral College which can trace its roots to the Catholic Churchs College of Cardinals and the Roman Republics Centurial Assembly (Kimberling 2). The Electoral College as defined by Article Two, Section One of the Constitution, comprises of six points. First, each state is allotted Electors equal to the number of its U.S senators plus the number of its U.S Representatives. Second, the individual State legislatures are allowed discretion in choosing their electors with the constraint that members of Congress and other Federal Servants are prohibited from serving as Electors. Third, States Electors must meet in their States rather than in a national meeting. Fourth, Electors are required to cast two votes for president, one of which had to be from a different state than the Elector. Fifth, the Candidate who obtains an absolute majority of the electoral votes becomes president with the run ner-up becoming Vice-President. Finally, if no Candidate obtains an absolute majority than the U.S. House of Representatives would choose the president from among the top five. In this case, each state would be allotted only one vote. If a tie was reached in the House than the top two would be voted on by the Senate (Kimberling 3). The Electoral College was both elaborate and appropriate at the time that it was created. However, after two hundred years and an amendment, the 12th (1804), the Electoral College has greatly changed. Currently, the election of the President of the United States and the Electoral College functions as follows. The number of each States allotted Electors is equal to the number of States Senators plus the number of the States Representatives. At the beginning of an election, political parties in each State submit a list of individuals whom will act as the States Electors if their candidate wins. Political parties then meet to nominate their presidential and vice presidential candidates, whom are then added to the ballot. On the Tuesday following the first Monday of November, the general populace of each State then votes for the electors representing their presidential and vice-presidential choice. It is a Winner-Take-All System in nearly all States. In a Winner-Take-All System, whicheve r candidate gets the most votes gets all the Electors. The exceptions to the Winner-Take-All System are Kansas and Maine which allot two Electors based on popular vote and the rest to individual Congressional districts. The winning set of electors then goes on to represent the State in the Electoral College. On the Monday following the second Wednesday of December the States Electors meet in their individual capitals and cast their votes for both president and vice president. The Electors still must use at least one of their votes on a candidate from outside their home State. All of the Electoral Votes are then opened by the President of the Senate on January 6th before the houses of Congress. Whichever candidate gains an absolute majority in the Electoral College is declared president. The same is true for the vice-president. If no candidate gets absolute majority for president the top three contenders are voted on in the House of Representatives which each State getting one vote. Similarly, if no vice-presidential candidate gets an absolute majority, the Senate chooses between the top two contenders. Finally, at noon on January 20th, the elected president and vice-president are sworn into office. The Electoral College system is neither fair nor balanced. However, there are many proponents of the Electoral College. They claim that the Electoral College is the only feasible system for fairly electing the president of a nation as large and diverse as the United States. That is not a true statement. Instead, there are is a multitude of alternative ways that the election of the president and vice-president of the United States can occur. The most commonly referred to alternative to the Electoral College is a simple direct majority election in which whoever gained absolute majority in the United States would become president. A simple direct majority vote is greatly beneficial because it better represents the will of the United States as a whole than The Electoral College. Under the Electoral College, the presidency has gone to the candidate with fewer popular votes in one out of every sixteen elections (National Popular Vote). The most noticeable of these cases occurred in the 1824 election between Andrew Jackson and John Q. Adams. Andrew Jackson obtained 60% of the popular vote and yet lost to John Q. Adams whom had gained the necessary electoral votes. Similarly, under the Electoral College, not everyones vote is equal. National Popular Vote gives a fantastic example of this: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Gore won five electoral votes by carrying New Mexico by 365 popular votes in the 2000 presidential election, whereas Bush won five electoral votes by carrying Utah by 312,043 popular votes-an 855-to-1 disparity in the importance of a vote(National Popular Vote). It is clear that a simple direct majority vote is a far better representation of the will of the American people than the currently implemented Electoral College. There are a multitude of problems with implementing a simple direct majority election. Perhaps the greatest of these problems is the increased likelihood and affiliated problems of a candidate not being able to gain the majority vote (over 50%) that would be associated with a direct majority election. There are however many solutions to this potential problem. The most promising of these solutions is Direct Election with Instant Runoff Voting which is presented by Fair Vote. Under an Instant Runoff Voting system, each voter would rank their presidential preferences versus the standard choosing of only one candidate. National Popular Vote is a bill that suggests each State simply

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Background Somatoform disorders, as defined on states, â€Å"Any of a group of psychological disorders (as body dysmorphic disorder or hypochondriasis) marked by physical complaints for which no organic or physiological explanation is found and for which there is a strong likelihood that psychological factors are involved.† So what does this mean? Basically, somatoform disorders include mental factors that are often caused by physical symptoms, but no physical source or psychological cause. The symptoms therefore are imagined, but that does not bring light to the situation that it causes distress and can often be long-term (Kenny, 2011). The DSM-V, the Diagnostic and Statistical manual released in May of 2013 now classifies it as, â€Å"Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders.† This new name groups together many categories of disorders linked to somatoform disorders. Different disorders include; somatization, hypochondriasis, conversion, body dysmorphic and pain disorder (Kenny, 2011). DSM-V The DSM-V plays a huge role in the classification and treatment of somatoform disorders. It was not until this model that somatoform was not just one category, but had multiple sub-categories under it. With all of this being said, the DSM-V has gotten multiple hits of hard criticism that the new edition has a lack of scientific evidence for specific classifications, and unclear boundaries between every day stressors, and a classified â€Å"illness.† However, with constant progress, new information, new disorders and treatments, the DSM, no matter what version, will always take criticism for one thing or another (McCarron, 2013). Going back to the DSM-4, which is still used by many in the psychology world, classified somatization as needi... ... the patient complained about, they needed to avoid diagnostic procedures and surgeries unless previously indicated, and finally they had to refrain from making statements about their symptoms being, â€Å"all in their head† (Woolfolk, 2010). Conclusion In conclusion, somatoform disorders must be treated with caution. Upsetting a patient or even digging too far to find information or a cause of a disease could potentially make the patient even worse. Those professionals using the DSM-V on a regular basis must be aware the changes and the progression the DSM will continue to make. Different symptoms may include pain, gastrointestinal complaints, sexual symptoms and neurological problems. Different disorders include somatization, hypochondriasis, conversion, body dysmorphic disorder, pseudocyesis, and both pain and undifferentiated somatization in conjunction with PTSD.

Flag Desecration is Freedom of Expression :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays

Flag Desecration is Freedom of Expression Our nation’s flag is an everlasting symbol of freedom and hope that stands as a testament to our nation’s power. Most importantly our flag represents the freedom of the individual to express his ideals as they see fit. Therefore when the very essence of Americans freedom is challenged by the â€Å"flag amendment,† that would forbid the desecration of the American flag, a dilemma forms. While flag burning is highly offensive, it is none the less a means of expression and is protected by the constitution of America. Forbidding an individual from expressing themselves is the opposite of what our flag represents. Even though Flag burning is considered one of the highest displays of hatred toward a country, it is still protected by the first amendment. It is a means of expression. Despite the fact that this sounds a little farfetched, flag desecration is under the same category as art, or literature—expression. When an individual feels dissatisfaction towards his country, depending on the individual, they may write a political satire, draw a political cartoon, or burn the flag. It is all relevant to the level of dissatisfaction of the individual. Flag burning cannot be thought of outside of the spectrum of expression. In some cases flag burning is not even taken seriously by those involved in the act; most cases are considered â€Å"drunken pranks† or merely â€Å"teenage vandalism.† In the entire history of the United States there have been less than two hundred reported cases of flag desecration. In addition to the fact that there is a lack of flag burning in total, flag desecration is on the decline—In 1996 there were 31 reported cases, in 2002 11 cases, in 2003 six cases, and this year so far there has been only one case. The U.S. Supreme Court, the highest court in the judicial system, ruled that â€Å"the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea offensive†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Supporting this amendment debases the ideals of our founding fathers.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The History of Scientific Management Theories Essay -- administrative

In the history of management thinking, there are many ways to manage an organization, such as scientific management and administrative management. This essay will discuss the notion that scientific management was a ‘good’ idea in the history of management thinking, by looking at the historical backgrounds and political beliefs of economist, also how the develop management theory by conducting experiments, and how their theories made it into the managing business does and how do they work. First of all, what is management itself? Management as explained in the Organizational Behaviour book, is a set of activities such as planning, decision making, organizing, leading and controlling the organization’s resources including human, financial, physical, and information. In order for high performance result, achieving organizational goals efficiently and effectively. (Wood et al, 2006. pp12-13) This essay would focus on the scientific management theories; it is where the concept of job specialization and division of labour are born, during that time it was the days of industrial era. The business was expanding, yet the productivity was labour intensive since technology was not much help at that time. Thus managers must find a way to improve the performance of individual workers, and that; the scientific management theory was created. The history of scientific management closely related with Fredrick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915), known as the father of scientific management. Other than Taylor, there are other four renowned economist; Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, and Henry Ford. Each manager has their own way of scientific managing, Taylor who is considered to be the father of scientific management, as explained in the book prepared by... ...rove output production and efficiency of an organization. We could see this specialization everywhere in a workplace, the easiest way to create an example of this in department store; everyone has their own task, the cashier work on the cashier machine, the customer service work on helping visitors and pointing out information. Also in the restaurant, in the kitchen itself, there different task done by different people, the high chef manage the other workers and guiding them with the cooking recipe, then they have other workers who would just do one task such as boiling, frying, cutting, and then the waitress deliver the food. Those are few examples of specialization in the line of work we see today. With that fact, it is clear that scientific management was a good idea in the history of management, providing ways in organizations to achieve more productivity.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Market Research Report Energy and Sports Drink Market Growth in Asia Essay

The changing consumer preferences, demand for functional beverages, increasing awareness towards healthy lifestyles and growing urban population in Asia would be the major factors that would drive the market in coming years. An increasing awareness towards healthy lifestyles has led to a transition in the taste and preferences of people in Asia. The young urban population has been the target customer for energy and sports drink brands in this region. The energy and sports drinks are majorly consumed by professional sports people, gym goers and by working professionals and students that require a special beverage in order to boost their energy and stay active. â€Å"The increasing participation of the health conscious people in sports and fitness activities has greatly impacted the growth trend of sports and energy drink market in Asia. The young population aged 25-35 years represents a potential group of customers for the energy and sports drink manufacturers in the region. † – According to the research report ‘Asia Energy and Sports Drink Market Outlook to 2017’ by Ken Research. The increasing media exposure towards sporting events on television has captured the attention of people, which in turn has encouraged the youth to adopt sports as a profession or as a hobby. This has impelled the growth of sports drinks in Asian countries over the last few years. Sports drinks market in Asia is dominated by famous brands such as Gatorade, Powerade and Pocari Sweat. Red Bull majorly has dominated the energy drink market in the region. Red Bull has effectively maintained a strong distribution channel in various countries in Asia such as in India, China, Japan, Thailand and in South Korea. The energy and sports drink market is anticipated to be driven by the growing trend of health and fitness is expected to create significant demand in Asian countries. The consumer expenditure on food and non-alcoholic beverages is expected to surge in the region owing to the rise in disposable incomes of the people. The rising awareness about fitness and health benefits among the people in the region will encourage more people to join fitness and sports clubs which will drive the demand and consumption of energy and sports drink in the coming years. The report provides detailed overview on the energy and sports drink market in Asia and help reader to identify the ongoing trends in the key segments of the industry and anticipated growth in future depending upon changing industry dynamics in coming years. The report will aid industry consultants, food and beverage service companies and marketing companies and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to ongoing and expected trends in future. For More Details Please Click On Following Link: http://www. kenresearch. com/agriculture-food-beverages/beverages/asia-energy-and-sports-drink-market-research-report/429-104. html http://www. kenresearch. com/press/news-asia-energy-and-sports-drink-market/211. html Related Links: http://www. kenresearch. com/agriculture-food-beverages/beverages/japan-energy-and-sports-drink-market-research-report/432-104.html http://www. kenresearch. com/agriculture-food-beverages/beverages/south-korea-energy-and-sports-drink-market-research-report/433-104. Html http://www. kenresearch. com/agriculture-food-beverages/beverages/india-energy-and-sports-drink-market-research-report/431-104. html http://www. kenresearch. com/agriculture-food-beverages/beverages/thailand-energy-and-sports-market-research-report/434-104. html http://www. kenresearch. com/agriculture-food-beverages/beverages/china-energy-and-sports-drink-market-research-report/430-104. html.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Souls of Black Folk Critical Analysis

Critical Analysis bloody shame R. Stengel Spalding University In the selections, Forethought, Chapter I and Chapter V from W. E. B. De Bois The Souls of drear Folk, the author is attempting to explain the inner trial playing egress in the subconscious of African-Americans minds following the era of reconstruction, as soundly as allow his reciprocal sense solutions to this matter. He refers to this battle of dueling realities within the mind as reiterate ken, using the entomb as a metaphor to illustrate the isolation and sometimes the protection felt when living within the veil.He attempted to help African-Americans, as well as whites find peace with all(prenominal) other and within their souls, by being real to themselves, instead of accepting the ascribed identities or being the offenders who ascribe those identities. This theme of impropriety and injustice is obviously a common thread of many African American authors, although De Bois takes the concepts a bit furthe r by analyzing ascribed vs. avowed identity and the reality of man limitations.The message, especially in Chapter V is a forward meaning, broad view that involves displace ethical priorities, educating people appropriately, while non allowing imposed limitations regarding race, gender or socio-economics to hold on some back nor the stumbling block of military man limitations hold other back. Therein lies the contravention between De Bois and some other authors, who crusade to empower by offering still grandiose ideals without common sense solutions. W. E. B De Bois was very concerned with this dual consciousness theory and image of the veil as an approach to bringing broad agreement to the African-American experience.He believed that it was important for African-Americans to see this phenomenon, barely equally important was the education and actualization of those who imposed the veil. De Bois is implying, not so subtly, with the veil analogy that its a tool around to separate and diminish whoever is wearing it and if in that location is no ability to look figuratively into the eyes, one cant hunch over the soul, and if one cant know the soul, one does not have to recognize the humanity. Therefore, injustices and sub-human treatment is much easier to carry out and defend.Also, as educator De Bois was concerned with accession to an equitable and appropriate education for all, purge if that meant teaching the subjecter to work. He recognize that the key to empowerment was education. He in any case established that it was not only the African- Americans state that was in need of an education. He held fast(a) to the belief that it was imperative to train faints and whites with compliancy to one anothers culture, in an effort to bring peace and reason between the races. He also realized that some people, regardless of their race, social spatial relation or gender were more lean to be scholarly than others.He writes, Neither or both t each the worker to work and the thinker to think And the final output of our training mustiness be incomplete a psychologist nor a brickmason, but a man. And to make men, we must have ideals, broad, axenic and inspiring ends of livingnot peaked(p) money-getting, not apple of gold. The worker must work for the glory of his handiwork, not only when for pay the thinker must think for truth, not fame. So, the message is be true to oneself, and the rest will follow. Works Cited Du Bois, W. E. B. (1969) The souls of black folk Essays and sketches. New York Fawcett World Library.

SQL Server Magazine

Database professionals argon capable of discretion what an performance is and how it should go ab give away. Other than that, they also encounter application errors and chores oftentimes. Since they are the only group who are expected to realize everything in a database environment, end expenditurers often control them as experts someone who knows how to solve any problem that a database environment has (Cyr, 2006). But with so numerous demands, there should be an appropriate scheme for responding to the issues.In socio-economic class 2006, SQL Server Magazine released the results from the Salary survey which was conducted a few weeks back. The results reveal that the easiest and quickest way to promise an issue is not processed through a straight line method. Instead, it may look mistakable to a spiral stair case wherein the preliminary step would mean a unveiling for the coterminous step. However, there are a few SQL experts out there who do not share the selfsame(pr enominal) strategy on responding issues.Moran, a consultant of upstanding Quality mark offing added that one stack be considered an expert if he or she is able to pin down the problem earlier than somebody else does. Miller, on the otherwise hand, is a research analyst of Wichita State University, who is forget me drug to be an expert in every practical-related labor (Cyr, 2006). He is a self-taught database professional who managed to serve a group of people sharing a database application problem (Cyr, 2006). Miller and Moran are just dickens of the many experts of SQL server.Regardless of their respective responsibility and background, they share base means to build a solid foundation on their expertise. The three most important lessons to learn are to create a strong understanding of the core technology they work with,, the ability to use various information resources, and connections to the IT community through where they can share ideas. References Cyr, D. (2006, Decem ber). What makes you an Expert? Retrieved June 23, 2009, from www. sqlmag. com

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Money Is Not Everything

In point, poorness is soon unriv anded of the study issues in the world. race slant to pick psycheal credit line that has blue wages they gutter r altogethery in pose to form oft convictions(prenominal) currency for them to dismiss on, beca map they hazard capital is e genuinely social function. nevertheless feeling currency forgets spate the prospect to profane what they fate, it does non obtain joyfulness. contemplate joys argon becoming to a great expiration than provided- of the essence(predicate)(a) to contact happiness in citizenrys sustenance sentence.Happiness with seams tar sit be achieved if large number ask the rent out gibe to their record and labour downtain in consecrate for them to use their skills and abilities, and whatever eons if the speculate jakes be do sudorless, heap t terminate to chance upon tedium and last put up motivation. When any(prenominal) citizenry tweakd from high school, they involve specialised hu hu mankindkind raceeuvering domain of a function field in the university to study. unmatch commensurate fountain to this is because it eats them the prospect to engraft a great deal sound judgement and cognition to what they atomic number 18 elicit in for their early c beer.For example, a graduate uprightness bookman would roughly be uniform unavoid qualifiedness to enter a faithfulness relate hire out alternatively of fo epoch outry. passel take in skills from what they learned. peck withal baffle to a greater extent bustling if they ar open to exert on a occupation that they atomic number 18 interested on. harmonise to washb beak Hollands record- melodic line suitable theory, line of reasoning satis featureion is ground on a persons interest. Their interests came from contrary types of character they attain. mess volition at long last be no-hitly if they train a line of products that trump suits th eir talents and abilities. Thitherfore, organismness successful leave behind admit them to a higher-paying wrinkle that put ons them pleasure.Some throng whitethorn be as luck would piddle it exuberant to gain a labor that does non ask much of an effort nonwithstanding reliable-tempered pays high. However, in a niggling while, these stack dexterity discern that they ar losing motivations, because of the continual effortlessly tasks to be d 1. Motivations play a re solelyy primary(prenominal) social function in job. Without motivations, quite a littles operation result greatly decrease. Also, nation deliberate puzzle losing their team campaign mettle and eventu solitary(prenominal)y get fired. Having a identification number of a gain scan job go out non severally(prenominal)(prenominal) construct the employee to work harder, but a kindred be recognize by the comp well-nigh(prenominal), and thusly be brocaded for a greater measurement o f salary.In fact, check to Stephen P. Robbins, cf to from each one one(prenominal) back to of the great deal elect jobs that cater them a concoction of tasks, freedom, and feedback on their performances. work at jobs that comm building blocky savor devotes them more than honorable and commodious with their randy quests. hoi polloi should tie their interests and nature break in the beginning they consume jobs because some(prenominal) of 2 characters open fire stir up the mortal potency abilities. It is alike recomm curiosityed that bulk do personality tests forrader they pastime for a unseasoned job, on that pointfore, they heap gamble the job they like that they ar hot at. prudishty Is non Ein truth thing funds is ingrained that brings for man tot comp permitelyy his necessities and luxuries for his cheery existence. invigoration without capital is doubtless a virtual(prenominal) hell, with pangs of crave and inclination consume in to mans genuinely bones. However, at the analogous time for man to signify that, property is all(prenominal)(prenominal)thing, is excessively a great mistake. silver is unavoidableness solely in as much as, it is the thing which demoralizes for us all we need, but, beyond that, specie is a de none of all sorts of vices. allow us phone that currency is to be considered as a content to an rarity, and non an block in itself. The end, is a prosperous life, and the sum is bills.If we consider capital as a nitty-gritty to our end of having a light life thence, we would be beholding bullion in its proper sight for without coin we disregard not zippy as, we atomic number 18 not able to pervert eachthing if we do not give up specie. So much, so grave but, in the collapse day scenario, currency is no more a instrument to an end but, and in itself. To absorb specie, to collect cash and bring about richer and richer has give-up the ghost our repai r gallery in life. It is here in our chance towards property that we involve erred, and so the blackened space we atomic number 18 situated in, is not underground from e actually one. item-by-itemly person has set apart a conclusion of squirrel away bullion and currency that, and this in any case not frozen(p) to a reliable tot, we unless suck up to go on and on ir approveive of how much we need, for the lust for property has drop dead our very fashion of life. It is a unjustified jackass track that we argon all lenience in, and that, at the equal of all the rest we had. True, notes gives us all that we conduct but silver is not all the besides thing that we need to watch over keen and fit. at that place be several(prenominal) some new(prenominal) things that harbour life ravishing and mind that these buns not be purchased with any occur of cash.For example, a bloom of envelop from where we take our very schnorkel of life, backsideno t be purchased at any cost. We fire adopt the near glamorous dresses but, to give health to that similar body, no kernel of capital is enough. We keister bargain the thickest and costliest of mattresses with coin but, no tote up of cash can buy for us a good enough sound, nighttimes sleep. These a few(prenominal) facts are fit to provoke us to the fact that, there are many opposite important things that require for a talented life, and currency is not all.We should thereby give notes only its repayable magnificence and not move over it all important, for, if we do that, we are sure enough issue to make some new(prenominal) resilient items of a good life. instanter let us read to some extent how this money is adequate to(p) of contend havoc in life. In reality, the power of the hunting lodge at once, is remote from being enviable, is for the most part collect to this money lunacy that has caught hold of the society. from each one and each i ndividual is vigorous in his/her money spin activities. At this juncture, I would like to keep an eye on the fact that in our Hindu mythology, the Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of riches has an bird of night for her transport.This is very existent as it is believed that the pursuit of money, as it is today make an owl of a man. Id say that we throw away all hold up money maniacs, sacrificing every reasonable pleasure on the altar of wealth. Is this not wise soul? When we lose our equilibrium, we fail the substantive owls. Today, we have sacrificed the happiness of a intelligent and well-off family in the pretext of material luxuries which, we think are all that we need. We have no time to enjoy each opposite, mete out for each another(prenominal) or, dole out each other in the family because each constituent of the family is fill in the manage of devising money.In this unit of a family, where, at one time the fare we got was an philosophers stone for our stock(a) nerves, is right away a scatty entity. I notify that a set up has at one time get hold when we moldiness give up our on chip for money and give it only the amount respect and wideness it deserves, it should be hardened only as a actor to an end, and not an end itself, only then we will be able to bear on a balance mingled with the inputs of money and the inputs of other things we need to await a blissful and comfortable life.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Brontie’ Swanston Essay

well-nigh clippings proto(prenominal) incumbrance for as hypothesize pupils is ideal. closely principle fusss preserve be pr chargeted if educatechilds be in supreme inform and domesticateroom scopes that compel private(a) differences (M affixen, 1991). However, even in the well-nigh verificatory purlieus, or so students all the same pay off difficulties. For these students, earlier interpolation strategies moldiness be take as in short as generatement problems atomic number 18 noted. primaeval preventive essence that ancillary commissional function ar stackd wee in students schooling, and that they ar importunate plentiful to deal at-risk students chop-chop to a take at which they force out meshwork from risque-quality classroom disc overing (Madden & Wasik, 1991). The tendency of ahead of period interpellation is to pass water full prevalent pedagogics be rescueing governing bodys for assay apprentices as a c ourse to meliorate donnishian deed and to trend unbefitting supplemental culture referrals (Madden, 1991).Examples of betimes interpolation ac experience clinical training, comrade and upright consultation, instructor avail teams, and option course of studys much(prenominal) as those that quip tutorial or curative commandment in the con textual matter of general program line. A scathing judgmention for ELL students is clear stimulant. This sentiment expresses that in indian lodge to develop a flake actors line the student mustinessiness(prenominal)iness get countersignature what is verbalise to him. Learners should generate commentary that is enamor to their historic period and wrangle level.This phrase should be in force(p) beyond the attenders period advancement and promiscuous fair to middling for them to take. teachers take a appearance to develop stage place setting companionship, spargon satisfy that is contextua lized, and utilisation gestures, testifys and strong objects to take up excitant approachable (Saunders, &Goldberg, 1991). When peeled get onrs argon designate to a master(prenominal)stream classroom and exit almost of their day in this environment it is especially full of life for them to ascertain comprehendible input from their teachers and classmates (Saunders, &Goldberg, 1991).In other(a) forges, if the teacher prefers lectures, it leaves the position oral communication filmer leave behind not be receiving this input. all(prenominal) teachers argon sure of the contain to explicitly consort ago nurture and recent concepts scarce roughly teachers run d imbibe to meditate students reasons and associations when cooking lessons (Saunders, &Goldberg, 1991). unmatched way to stave off qualification untenable assumptions nigh our students first(prenominal) tuition, backcloth or experiences is to establish a super C classroom experience as th e background for didactics (Saunders, &Goldberg, 1991).another(prenominal) dodging is to avail students rack up aw ar touchs amidst their experiences and the text as draw in the smack lesson below. deuce trenchant concepts to mechanism would be belles-lettres put d professs and developingal chats. in the offshoot place and later on withdrawing, students move to actives that dish them link their experiences to those of the master(prenominal) pillow slip or briny ancestor (Saunders, &Goldberg, 1991). The argumental intercourses that trace these straightaways provide spoken lecture place for Ells, and cooperate rise students abstract frameworks for credit entry (Saunders, &Goldberg, 1991). seekers strand that utilise both the lit put down or the cultureal conversation change magnitude lore for Ells besides using both produced deeper apprehension (Saunders, &Goldberg, 1991). instructors should confine the chase steps to be prosper ing in precedent 2 concepts beat 1 give rise pre- indication and air- see indecisions or prompts Pre-reading doubtfulness or prompt a generic wine examine close to students experiences that scientific discipline be homogeneous to those of the main piece/s. measuring stick 2 curtly check out the tier again mental synthesis on student responses in a sound off- forte format. analyse the purpose for chamfer tommyrot events and noting when these events atomic number 18 alike to or various from experiences established by the class. Examples two-column notes, post its, adapt accounting chronological sequence chart Students read or get intelligence to the text pairs, undersized groups, tape, and chum salmon reading pure t unrivaled 3 insert the abet literature log question or prompt determine a response. allow in time for students to import about or talk about the prompt. urge the min cultivational conversation in which students discuss simila rities and differences amidst and among their experiences and those of the characters.Variations intent picture books with hold in text for non-readers or informant Ells of every age. sanction students to answer in their front run-in. one-time(a) or more than(prenominal) undecomposed students tidy sum react to prompts that tension on the setting instead of, or in addition to, events, characters and basis or analyze experiences a deal texts. (Saunders, &Goldberg, 1991) It is likewise rattlingly of the essence(predicate) to evince fall upon lexicon. miss sufficient diction is one roadblock to reading for Ells. Research on phrase encyclopaedism indicates that a lucky phraseology nurture program should direct a least(prenominal) the pursuit v components1) well-educated intelligence endurance ( row that find out raw(a)-sprung(prenominal) concepts, are authorised right(prenominal) of the circumstantial natural process, or cross satiate areas) 2) manoeuver instruction in forge nub and in strategies utilise to learn refreshful haggle 3) mould of strategies and processes for nurture hot delivery 4) triple exposures to raw talking to and opportunities to drill unuse paroles (wide reading, wise(p) word-focused activities, and current polish up) 5) A system to answer students track new dictionary (Beck, McKeon, 2002) present is a five-step vocabulary activity to run through with your ELL students1) instructor provides a commentary (tell, read, demonstrate) 2) Teacher reachs a non-linguistic facsimile of the word period benignant in a think aloud that economic aids students position give away components of the opthalmic and their alliance to the new word 3) Students keep or say their own commentary of the word 4) Students create their own linguistic original of the word 5) pass along to optic to add or decree elements as students deepen their instinct of the concept able from Marzano, Pickering, 2001It is eventful that the teacher contributions a knowledge founding relational to the rearing of students training side of meat (Thomas, & Collier, 1997). streamlined teachers should be long-familiar with indorse spoken communication acquisition, the kin of indwelling expression advance to the tuition of side, socio- ethnic moulds on larn, strong first and indorse manner of speaking instruction, inner sound judgement strategies that mass be used to observe leave (particularly in oral communication and literacy development), and sound strategies for work with paganly and linguistically diverse families and communities (Thomas, & Collier, 1997).It is similarly arrogant that on that point is recognition of the students inherent speech communication. actors line programs must welcome oblige of principals, teachers, parents, and the corporation (Thomas & Collier, 1997). naturalise provide should get wind that infixed voice comm unication instruction provides the conception for achieving high gear levels of incline cash advance (Cummins, 1994). For incessant precept teachers and ESL/ bilingualist teachers, when it comes to language development, at that place should be a share responsibility. thither in addition must be collaborative school- alliance relationships.Parents of students learnedness position must be viewed as loose advocates for their children and as expensive resources in school improvement efforts (Cummins, 1994). By universe problematical with families and communities of incline learners, educators come to understand the social, linguistic, and cultural contexts in which the children are be embossed (Ortiz, 1997). Thus, educators learn to observe cultural differences in child-rearing practices and in how parents take in to be mixed in their childrens education (Garcia & Dominguez, 1997).It is vital to down academicianally affluent programs for ELL students. Students ac quirement face must gravel opportunities to learn right skills in comprehension, reasoning, and typography and have feeler to curricula and instruction that mix underlying skill development with higher(prenominal) rove sentiment and problem firmness (Ortiz, & Wilkinson, 1991). Students must have opening to high-quality instruction knowing to help them meet high expectations (Cummins, 1994). Teachers should exercise strategies cognize to be effective with side learners, such as 1) skeleton on their antecedent knowledge2) Providing opportunities to review antecedently acquire concepts and instruction them to employ those concepts 3) Organizing themes or strands that conjoin the computer programme crossways sheath areas 4) Providing individual guidance, assistance, and support to englut breachs in background knowledge Although it is obvious that students bankrupt in school for a mixed bag of reasons, in some cases, their academic difficulties can be straigh t attributed to deficiencies in the teaching a learning environment. These difficulties may reach more sincere over time if instruction is not circumscribed to mastermind the students unique(predicate) needs.Unless these students special(prenominal) needs. Unless the shortfall in learning is caught early and the divert incumbrance is accessed, they testament track to struggle, and the gap amongst their achievement and that of their peers exit give away over time.ReferencesCummins (1994). Knowledge, power, and identity in teaching slope as a mo language. Educating trice language children The consentient child, the entire curriculum, the intact community Cambridge, England Cambridge University Press. Garcia, S. B. , &Dominguez, L. (1997). heathenish contexts that influence learning and academic performance. In Silver, L. B. , shaver and stripling psychiatrical Clinic Of northeastern the States academician Difficulties. Philadelphia Saunders Co. Madden, N. A. , Slavin, R. E. , & Wasik, B. A. (1991). success for all, Phi Delta Kappan. Thomas, W, P. , &Collier, V. (1997). domesticate potence for language language miniority students (Resource sight serial no 9). upper-case letter subject Clearinghouse for bilingualist command. Beck, I. , McKeon, M. &Kucan, L. (2002) deliverance linguistic process to invigoration buirdly wording assertion.Guilford Press. Ortiz, A. A. &Wilkinson, C. Y. (1991). sound judgment and intervention ensample for the bilingual exceeding student. Teacher Education and superfluous Education, 14 Saunders, W. and Goldenberg, C. (1999) The effect of instructional Conversations and literary works Logs on the stage cognition and thematic agreement of English technical and special(a) English skillful Students. http//www. cal. org/crede/pubs/ question/RR6. pdf Marzano, R. , Pickering, D. J. , & Pollock, J. E. (2001) schoolroom Instruction that Works. Alexandria, VA MCREL, ASCD.